Korzo Productions
Music for a dance piece by Rutkay Özpinar, a show revolving around his alter ego / stage persona Johnny Montgomery. In addition to the music I finished the lighting design, working from a strong foundation laid by Sanne Rosbag.
He is bursting with self-confidence. He is hilarious. He is scary. He is extra. He is made to go crazy. He is Johnny Montgomery.
And then there’s Rutkay Özpinar. Johnny Montgomery is the Mr. Hyde to his Dr. Jekyll, an alter ego he has never shown to the world and a person he hasn’t (yet) become. Johnny has always been part of Rutkay and it’s about time that everyone gets to know him. With Johnny by his side, Rutkay Özpinar can embrace his multitudes and flourish completely, both as an artist and human being.
Johnny Montgomery is a spectacular and riveting solo by Rutkay Özpinar, a personal work wherein he shares his doubts, struggles and victories.

Choreography & performance: Rutkay Özpinar
Music & sound design: Jorg Schellekens
Light design: Sanne Rosbag & Jorg Schellekens
Costume design: Annemarije van Harten
Coaching: Annemarie de Bruijn
Production: Mirjam Dales (Korzo)

14 November 2024, Korzo (Den Haag, NL)